JCX is proud to be a part of the World Ninja League and hosts both Tier 1 and Tier 2 competitions at our facility.
Tier 2 season goes from September to March, and Tier 1 from Sep to June.
WNL divisions are separated by age and gender. Tier 2 is intended for beginners and Tier 1 for more experienced athletes.
Age Divisions:
Kids: Ages 6-8 Mature Kids: Ages 9 & 10
Preteens: Ages 11 & 12 Teens: Ages 13 & 14 Young Adults: Ages 15-17
Adults: 18 & up Masters: Age 40 & up Elite: 13 & up (Tier 1 only)
Upcoming WNL Competitions at JCX:
For more information on WNL
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