JCX Ninja Level System


Level System Details

Objective: To progress to your highest level of performance by passing tests and leveling up.

Note: Leveling up lifts open obstacle use restrictions.

How to Participate: Level testing will take place at least once per month on designated days/times. Payment is only required once per level. Retakes are free, but reservations are required 24 hours ahead.

Test Details: The tests are customized for age groups and sometimes height. The tests have 150 max points, and require a 75% or higher to pass a given level.


  1. Arrive on time and ready to participate upon arrival for testing.
  2. Do not use any obstacles until instructed to do so.
  3. Keep designated obstacle or course clear so others can test without interference.
  4. Ask questions before attempting exam items.
  5. Do not argue with Exam Staff.
  6. Levels cannot be skipped, nor can multiple exams be taken on the same day.
  7. Exam results will be given immediately following testing.
  8. To progress past level 3, ninjas must attend classes at JCX.